Sunday, September 18, 2011

Street Art

This spring/summer in LA from April to August the Museum of Modern Art showcased the first exhibition dedicated to street art! I went and was absolutely in awe!. One because, street and urban art has been around for a while and its taken this long for it to be truly appreciated. Two, because often times graffiti is totally looked down upon because of instances when it is done crudely and inappropriately . However, MoMa higlighted the talent that it takes to produce this type of work as well as its evolution. Within the show were mini-shows curated by certain people based on various themes. Seeing as I hadnt heard of this being done before i thought it was pretty cool. The concept of having art usually just done out in public (even though they were by real artists) in a museum is so cool and unpredictable. If it was still going I would make you all fly to LA to check it out yourself!

If you like what you see, look at this website for more pics and info on it!

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