Monday, September 5, 2011

My Proposition

My proposition for a series of artworks includes pieces that have to do with movement and people. I have chosen many different photos from my computer where the subject is moving in various ways. Not only obvious body movements, but unique facial expressions. I also want to include different places, positions, and lighting. Though we only need ten sketches, after looking through the photos on my phone I realized I have many photos to choose from than I originally thought I did. As I was looking through my photos I never realized how much movement is actually involved in so many of my photos. I thought it would be difficult to find photos where the people are moving because in most photos people pose to try to look the way they want themselves to look in the photo, however there are many candid photos throughout my various albums that I plan on using for my sketches. To do all my sketches I have decided to use pencil and nothing else. I want these sketches to be basic drawings that can expand later with more ideas and different mediums.
For my first sketch I chose a picture of my friend Hayley, while she is in between two seats on a bus. The photo was taken on a seven hour bus ride to Lubeck, Germany. In the photo she's laughing in between the two seats. I think her laughter and her facial expression can relate to the concept of movement. While her body isn't showing, her facial expression has to do with my idea and my concept.
For my second sketch I'm choosing to do a photo of my friend Madison and me dancing in our graduation gowns. I like this photo for the concept of movement because some of the edges along our arms and legs are blurred where we are dancing, so in my drawing I hope to make it look as though we are really moving. The action of our bodies is especially essential to my concept, because I hope to portray the energy and commotion in the photo in my drawing.
In my third sketch I am doing a sketch of my friend Hannah whipping her hair back and forth. The photo is old; Hannah is about 15 in the photo. I like this photo because of her facial expression and the movement of her hair. Her facial expression is what really stood out to me from among my other photos. I think her expression is really funny and it reflects her crazy personality. I hope to portray her activity in a convincing manner in my sketch and in my further progressed project as the semester continues. I think the concept of hair moving will be great for my concept overall because it really shows action in the photo.
I have not chosen the photos for my next seven sketches, however I have gone through my photos and have about twenty I could choose from. For the next seven I really want to focus on facial expressions because when most people think of movement they don't think if the face, they think of the body.

1 comment:

  1. the artists that we were talking about in class were Gerhard Richter

    Luc Thuymans


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