Thursday, September 1, 2011


To me drawing is a visual representation of something/anything that you can see or imagine.
I truly do enjoy drawing, because for me personally, drawing is a representation of something real, and I am never more pleased with my work than when I can say that it honestly looks like something present in real life.
Drawing is essentially what I do. The art I create would be, and is considered drawing, so drawing plays a huge role in my life. It is the basic means through which I express myself, and allows me an outlet I enjoy working in.
Without drawing our society would not exist in any way shape or form. Modern marvels like buildings would definitely not be possible, and even simple things like farming couldn’t exist because no seeds can be sewn without first drawing the lines through the ground to plant the seeds in. So without a doubt, even though drawing is not perhaps something most people think about on a day to day basis, it is present in everything around us.

Drawn marks:
- fast, sketch like
- hard, purposeful
- soft, light and smooth
- rough, jagged, harsh
- small precise
- huge, sloppy, and carefree

Types of drawing:
- classic quick sketch
- free form doodles
- dark, bold, non committal
- realistic and representational
- random patterns

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