Thursday, November 10, 2011

James Norton

James Norton is contemporary artists whose work emphasizes the expansion of material available for current art. He is a sculptor who creates individual pieces rather then installation art out of a huge amount of cable ties. Most of his pieces are shapes suspended from the ceiling. I think the reason why I find them so fascinating is because of how typical his medium is. By essentially creating massive chains of something so simple, he creates something so complex. Ironically, his process is certainly not that trouble-free. You can tell in each piece that there is care, there is a pattern, and a plan used to complete the end result. He also uses color to add another level of complexity to his work. He seems to place balls of color within the larger object creating a nest and egg type thing that looks very natural. On the other hand the harsh and sharp lines of the cable ties give the pieces a somewhat aggressive and hostile effect. The safety of a nest or a home in juxtaposition to the severe material presents an interesting contradiction in my mind. Overall I like his pieces and appreciate his methods and outcomes.

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