Points of Departure
Thursday, December 1, 2011
This chapter also stressed just generally how important color is to our world. Color is what gives the world life, and with out it, everything would be dull and dead. Our world comes alive and functions through the use of color. Even though we may not realize it, color has a huge impact on our lives. Naturally we see dark colors as something that is sad, frightening or negative, and lighter warmer colors as happy, peaceful, or positive. It is our natural intention to be happy when a rainbow is in the sky and sad or concerned when the sky is full of dark thick clouds.
It was helpful to learn more details of the study of color, especially approaching the topic in three directions- impression, expression, and construction. Breaking color down into different categories allowed me to focus in on a correct way of studying colors- looking at the visual aspect, then an emotional, then a symbolic. The rest of the explanations all seemed a little repetitive but I got the basic idea between relationships of colors and how they interact and interchange with each other.
Basically, what we did in class became a lot less confusing once i read about color hues and tints and was able to sit down and study the formulas and look at the wheel to really understand how they function.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Proposal: Round II
New Proposition
Originally my proposition was to be five paintings portraying movement. However, after my ten original sketches, and some suggestions from my professor, I decided to narrow my idea down. From my ten sketches the ones that stood out were the ones of different facial expressions, so I decided to make my final proposition focus on the movement of the face, specifically facial expressions. On top of that a few of my paintings are going to be inspired by different artists. My first two portraits, of my friends Phil and Madison, are different, but in a similar style. So, at the suggestion of my professor, to change up the style of each portrait I should use a different artist as inspiration for my final three portraits. For the third portrait I am using The Portrait of Gertrude Stein by Picasso as inspiration. For this one I want to use an amplified color palate, line, and more painterly strokes to imitate the style Picasso used. For my fourth portrait I want to use Franz Hals as an inspiration and for my fifth I want to use a pop artist as inspiration to make the five portraits vastly different, but still portraying my original idea of movement in the face. While not all the faces are making an obvious facial movements, they are still different expressions and each portrait will portray different emotions and will be inspired by different artists.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Proposal Version 3.0
Updated Proposal: A Dictionary of Puns
I would like to create a clever body of work that makes people laugh using my love for play on words. Incorporating many common idiomatic phrases in my pieces such as “busy bees”, “putting all your eggs in one basket”, “hit two birds with one stone”, and “couch potato”, I want to show the humor and ridiculousness of these phrases by portraying them visually. Additionally, a goal of mine is to convey a sense of awkwardness in my works that makes them more humorous and intriguing for the viewers. While Peter Bruegel’s main goal in working with common phrases of his time was to teach moral lessons, I want to make people laugh. I also want to explore the ambiguous nature of these phrases, by contrasting the real and the imagined in my works. To do this, I will show the real aspect of the phrase through a photograph, while the imagined will be through drawing. I plan on juxtaposing the images together through photoshop. Then I would like to print the images on nice paper and work with drawing and possibly collage to give a more handmade feel to the work and make it more interesting. I think that using pen over the digital image will also serve to connect the real and the unreal. Compositionally, it will also connect the photo with the painting better.
I want to place my works in the context of an Idiomatic Phrase Dicitonary. I think that a dictionary will be humorous and it will also tie all the works together in an interesting creative way. I plan on making categories for the phrases such as Food Puns, Religious Puns, Sports Puns, and Anatomy Puns. Each category will have an image of a pun to represent it. Also, framing my work in the context of a book would further develop a sense of irony since my idea deals with some of the absurdities in language and books are typically places for writing.
I want to use a book that I created by hand as my dictionary, so that the dictionary will be entirely mine. I plan on gluing each page into the book that I have already created. Also, I want to design a cover for the book so that it has the feel of an actual dictionary. I may scan the pages so that my book may be viewed digitally too.
David Rokeby
Friday, November 11, 2011
In the reading on matter, I found the discussion about how to choose materials really interesting. I think that the author is correct when he says that “the range of matter is to great to lock oneself into.” When I was in elementary school, I always saw sculpture as limited to common materials such as clay, wood, and metal. Now however, I would agree with the author because our materials are endless. Technically, anything around us can be used as a material. This notion reminded me of the gallery we went to on a field trip, when we saw the artist who used dental floss and balloons in for her sculpture. I think that using unexpected materials often times can make a sculpture look more interesting. I really enjoyed the different examples of using different materials for different purposes. Particularly, the table attached that is entirely crafted after metal is really intriguing because it goes against our expectations of materials. It is really cool how the scene of a set table can be entirely recognizable with a different material. I think that using an unexpected material puts an interesting twist on a piece. In the future, I think that I would like to be more experimental with my materials.